Snake Plant
Snake Plants can live in low light to bright, direct sun. They’re the perfect plant to bring life to a dark room or corner.
Your Snake Plant only needs to be watered fortnightly, allowing its soil to completely dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering and root rot. During the winter months feel free to only water your snake plant once a month if the soil is still moist after 2 weeks.
Snake Plants do not have any particular humidity requirements but they prefer drier environments.
Snake Plants do not have any particular temperature requirements, but will suffer if subjected to temperatures below 10ºC.
Feed with general houseplant fertiliser every 2 months during the growing season (spring to summer).
Snake Plants are toxic to both people and animals - keep away from small children and pets.
Additional care information
If in doubt, wait a week before watering your snake plant - they are much more likely to suffer from over-watering than under-watering.
Browning, yellowing leaves: suggests your snake plant has been overwatered and/or your plant lacks drainage.